What is Acupuncture?
It cannot be be answered with one word nor one sentence. Acupuncture uses needles to "short circuit" the body so that movement of blood and what we call "Qi" can move free and smoothly through the body. Imagine the body as if it were comprised of many rivers and streams. If the flow is constant and unobstructed, there will be no pond scum (disease of any sort, mild or major) developing. Acupuncture can maintain and create a smooth and even current of blood and Qi and thus health.
What is Qi?
Chinese words are often too broad to translate, but essentially Qi means Energy. Blood is said to not be able to move without Qi, so Qi is the Movement or kinetic energy and friction of substances of the body.
Does Acupuncture Hurt?
The needles used are very thin; as thin as a single strand of hair. Many people who are not fond of needles or even scared, find that they do not even feel the needles. If you are scared of needles, please let me know and I can work with you. It is also helpful to avoid coffee prior to your acupuncture visit.
What is the First Visit Like?
Your first visit will start with a complete interview of your health history and current health. Questions will include physical and emotional health presentations. I will feel your pulse on both left and right wrists, and look at your tongue. With the information gathered, I will then select a treatment to address your main complaint. Points will be needles; needle retention is 20-50 minutes, in which time I will check in and see how you are feeling. After needles are taken out, we will discuss a treatment plan and possible "homework".